
Get Water Smart With Your Smart Phone



The Best Phone Apps To Stay Water Conscious

Water-savvy consumers can now digitally track their H2O usage.

There’s a phone app for everything these days – from the functional to the frivolous, it seems that the app market is still booming and open to ideas. We’re fascinated with the apps concerned with water use – here are some of our favourites, for both Android phones and iPhones.


Drip Detective: Got a dripping tap? Drip Detective will show you exactly how much water is being wasted with each drop and leverage the costs associated with a water leak so that you know when it’s time to call a plumber.

Water Storage: Find out how much water is available in Australia, your state, capital city and for individual storage, care of the Bureau of Meteorology. Accurate, comprehensive and updated often, the app shows current water levels by percentage or volume in megalitres. Levels can be compared to levels of previous years, too.

Water Buddy – Water Usage Tracker: If you’re looking to work on reducing your personal water consumption levels, good for you! There’s an app for that! Water Buddy helps you work towards a daily water usage target and keep track of it by showing you a history of your water meter readings to see whether you are keeping within your target. This one will cost you the low, low price of 99 cents.


Choose Tap: This is a fantastic app – however, it’s currently only available in Melbourne. Yarra Valley Water have developed the app to help you find tap water, in fountains or other refill stations, no matter where you are in Melbourne.

Water Timer: This free app measures your shower time (or the time taken to water the lawn) and calculates how much water was used and how much it costs. You can also save a history of calculations and email them to yourself for your personal records.

Water conscience? Check out our handy guide to using greywater. Need some help with your plumbing? Check out our list of extensive services. 

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